Tokyo is renowned for its animal cafés. The original concept began with cat cafés and then expanded to a wider variety of animals. At Mipig Café, for example, you can dine alongside micro pigs in a happy atmosphere. ChikuChiku Café lets you relax with hedgehogs, allowing you to feed and take pictures with them. And at Kotori Café Ueno, a parrot and white cuckoo bird chirp away while you sip your drink.
Closer to home, Ruby Café in Montreal lets you enjoy brunch while your pup delights in meatloaf or meatballs made with dog-safe ingredients. And in both locations of Café Chat L’heureux, shelter cats are hosted in the café in order to find homes. Kittens waiting for adoption are also welcome. You can bask in their company as you enjoy a latte or eat lunch. All for the love of coffee… and animals!
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Illustration: Marie Mainguy