Tips Choose Quebec lamb. Its flesh stays moist, the taste is more refined and the product is almost always fresh at the meat market. New Zealand’s lamb is often less expensive, but there is no comparison between the two. Make sure the butcher has sawed the bones between the ribs, under the rack, if you want to avoid a dramatic end to your meal. As there is only butter to make the crumbs adhere to the lamb, the crust is very fragile and will break before serving. A bit like stuffing, I add a spoonful of the crust onto each plate. According to your guest’s appetite, a rack of lamb is suitable for 2 to 3 people if they each enjoy a portion of 2-3 chops. If you’re hosting for Easter, two racks, as shown in crossed-racks in the picture, makes a wonderful dish for six people. Idea In a porcelain eggcup, place a few wrapped chocolate eggs. Cut sprigs of catnip sold in pet food stores or synthetic grass sold in florists. Insert around and in between the eggs.