Small Plum Cakes with Breakfast Cereal Crumble

Small Plum Cakes with Breakfast Cereal Crumble

  • Preparation 25 min
  • Cooking 30 min
  • Servings 4

Pound cake, meet fruit pudding. These pretty little cakes-in-disguise are teeming with tender slices of plums in a super-soft, light—and quick—cake batter, for a velvety breakfast you can eat with a spoon. Topped with a hearty crumble, which combines All-Bran, almonds and maple syrup, each sweet scoop also packs some serious nutritional punch for dessert.

Featured in RICARDO Magazine BACK TO SCHOOL 2018
  • Vegetarian
  • Lactose-free



  • Crumble

  • Cakes


  • Crumble

  • Cakes

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