“Eating is a social, cultural and enjoyable act. We don’t eat solely for the nutrients,” explains Laplante. “I like to encourage people to adopt a positive and open approach when moving towards a healthier diet. It’s better to make gradual changes, which are more sustainable. Also, it’s best to keep from classifying foods as ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ The quality of a diet is assessed over a long period of time, and not simply based on a single food! And I especially tend to promote diversity, flexibility and the joy of eating, which are key elements to a better relationship with food,” she emphasizes.
1. Restore bread, pasta and potatoes
We’ve long been critical of these three foods. However, these scratches, like rice, cereal grains and legumes, can be allies of a balanced diet. These excellent sources of complex carbohydrates provide the necessary energy your brain needs to function properly. These foods are often rich in fibre, especially when consumed as whole grains. Given that their nutrient content is high, just a small serving is enough to meet your needs. The type of carbohydrates you should limit are those known as fast (or simple) sugars, found in the likes of pastries, sweets and sugary drinks.
To ensure a meal keeps you nourished for a long time, start by building your plate with a variety of ingredients, as suggested in Canada’s food guide plate. Here are a few tips to promote satiety, the feeling of fullness and satisfaction after a meal:
- • Add dietary fibre (fruits, vegetables, cereal grains, nuts and seeds), which increases the volume of food in the stomach and slows digestion.
- • Include protein-rich foods (meats, fish, legumes, tofu, eggs) to prolong the feeling of fullness after a meal.
- • Eat slowly and take your time chewing in order to send fullness signals to your stomach.
- • Have your meals at regular intervals in order to maintain stable energy levels and reduce hunger pangs.
2. Vary foods to combine nutrients
A steak isn’t only made up of proteins, just as an apple isn’t solely composed of vitamins. They contain numerous nutrients, and this combination of nutrients is known as the nutritional matrix. The benefits of a food largely depend on the complexity of its nutrients. It’s this interaction between foods that promotes a balanced diet. It’s therefore wise to eat a wide variety of foods regularly to benefit from the richness of different nutritional matrices. The more varied your plate is and the more it consists of healthy foods, the more you can benefit from the qualities of each ingredient.
3. Choose good fats
Fats are of better nutritional quality when they’re associated with benefits to the body, such as reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, providing energy and supporting brain health. There exist different categories of healthy fats, like monounsaturated fatty acids that are found in olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds, as well as polyunsaturated fats such as fatty fish, flaxseed, chia seeds or canola oil. It is, however, important to limit foods that are rich in saturated and trans fats, such as processed meats, cheeses, butter and fried foods. Of course, these can occasionally be enjoyed guilt free, but in moderation.
4. Enough proteins
The food industry currently emphasizes the high protein content of certain foods in its marketing campaigns. However, unless you’re an athlete or have a particular health condition, there’s no need for extra protein in your diet in order to carry out daily activities. According to a report by the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (“National Institute of Public Health of Quebec”), less than 3% of the province has a protein deficiency. Those most at risk of deficiency are vegetarians, seniors, people facing food insecurity or those following strict diets. Since most people tend to consume protein-rich foods at every meal, there’s no need to seek out products that are fortified with protein.
For a few nutritionist-approved recipe ideas, be sure to read this article: