
How to Cook a Ton of Crepes…Without Spending the Whole Day on Them!

You’re expecting people for brunch and crepes are on the menu? It would be great for you to enjoy your time with your guests without having to spend the entire morning at the stove, slaving over your crepes. The best way to avoid this is to be prepared. Here are a few tips to help you have a good time, far from the kitchen.

Get a Head Start

We’ll never say it enough; organization is the key to a successful meal. As the crepe batter can be made in advance (the day before or up to two days early), why not take the opportunity to prepare everything ahead of your special meal? Whether you want your crepes plump or thin, you can even cook them beforehand. All that’s left for you to do is to stack them in an airtight container and keep them in the fridge until the big day.

Ready for Reheating

Your guests have arrived and your crepes are cooked? Simply reheat them just before hitting the table. To prevent them from drying out, wrap them in a damp cloth before putting them in the microwave or stack them on top of a pot of boiling water to keep them warm until serving time. This way, they’ll remain soft and tender as if they have just been cooked. Your guests will never know the difference.

Ready-to-Use Garnishes and Fillings

If you’ve decided to have crepes with a filling, such as crepe breakfast burritos, zucchini crepes with ham or mushroom crepes, we also advise you to make them in advance. Then, all you have to do on the day is garnish or fill the crepes, fold them in half or roll them, then just zap them in the oven for a few minutes to reheat them. Simply put them on a baking tray and cover them with foil to keep them moist.

You have crepes left over after breakfast? Freeze them, with a piece of parchment paper separating each crepe, or make a mille-crepe cake!