
The Freezing Trick to Flavourful Tofu

We say it often: Tofu is flavourless but it works like a sponge, so it’s great at absorbing flavours! However, if you still feel as if your tofu doesn’t quite take on the taste of the marinade you cooked it in, read on for an easy tip on how to help things along.

Freeze and thaw

If you want your tofu to absorb more flavour and have a meatier texture, try freezing and thawing tofu before marinating. This method will break down the tofu’s fibres, allowing a marinade to penetrate deeper and faster (down to 30 minutes from 2 hours).

How to do it

You could put your block of tofu in a freezer bag or freezer-safe container, but we suggest simply keeping it in its original packaging. Let it freeze for at least 2 hours until firm. Once frozen, pop it in the refrigerator to thaw for 4 hours, or for 30 minutes on the counter. Then press to remove excess water, and it’ll be ready to marinate and cook with!

Be sure to attempt this trick with the following recipes for maximum flavour: