Sweet and Salty Chocolate Cake with Almond Crisp

Sweet and Salty Chocolate Cake with Almond Crisp

  • Preparation 50 min
  • Cooking 45 min
  • Cooling 2 h
  • Servings 8
  • Makes 8 servings
  • Freezes Yes

This marriage is standard in a lot of cuisines (chicken and waffles!), but recently, the dynamic duo of savoury-sweet has taken on new realms, with chefs pushing the boundaries of dessert (from Le Vin Papillon’s tomato-verbena-olive oil sorbet in Montreal to New York chef Dominique Ansel’s sweet-corn crepes with smoked toffee, lemon, brown sugar and black pepper). Food companies are launching products like vegetable yogurts and we’re noticing a salty twist in traditionally sweet treats. You’ll never look at chocolate cake the same way after tasting our soy-sauce-infused creation, where the salty condiment is found in both the batter and the almond crisp topping. The result is a new flavour dimension: round, rich and deeply satisfying. Sound out of this world? It is.

  • Vegetarian


  • Cake

  • Almond Crisp

  • Ganache


  • Cake

  • Almond Crisp

  • Ganache

  • Assembly

Personal Note